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O Edo Nihon Bashi


[別名]The Nihonbashi Bridge in Edo

お江戸日本橋 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonEvening Snow 尺八 : 谷 泉山
箏 : 田中洋子
Play ButtonFlower Dance - Japanese Folk Melodies
A cheerful melody of Oedo nihonbashi-the bridge built in Nihonbashi Edo (the old name of Tokyo}-is one of the children's songs, widely known along with Sakura Sakura. The music praises the beauty and the grandeur of the wooden bridge.
Play ButtonFlute and Koto of Japan 三弦 : 米川 敏子
尺八 : 山口 五郎

Japan Revisited 尺八 : 小野 衛
Play ButtonKoto Music of Japan

Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu 箏 : 米川 敏子
箏 : 二代米川敏子
箏 : 辻本親登代
尺八 : 杉沼 左チ雄
箏 : 米川めぐみ

Koto no Miryoku - Disk 1 箏 : 山内 喜美子

Melody of Japan - Stillness of Winter 箏 : Pro Musica Nipponia
Play ButtonMusic of Japan 箏 : 米川 敏子
三弦 : 静子 豊寿
This is an arrangement for koto, shamisen and a small orchestra of Western instruments from a popular song under the same title.

The original song of this piece was a popular song named Hakone- bushi which prevailed about at the middle of the 18th century. It was so popular that many different words was put to its melody. "O-Edo Nihonbashi" is the most popular today among them, but not a few different poems are still sung today to the same or slightly changed melody.

"Edo" is the old name for Tokyo. Nihonbashi is a famous bridge in the centre of Edo and is the starting-point all the roads radiating for countries.

The picture, painted by Hiroshige, a famous ukiyoe painter, shows the concourse at the Nihonbashi in the morning.

It was a custom in Edo Period (1600c-1870c) that travellers leaving Edo started from this bridge just after the sun- rise.
Play ButtonShakuhachi - Hamabe No Uta 尺八 : 三橋 貴風
尺八 : 田嶋 直士
尺八 : 福田 輝久
尺八 : 藤崎 重康